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Perennials are very perennial plants

Perennials are a versatile plant category used in many gardens and landscape designs. They are perennial plants that can grow and develop over several growing seasons. Unlike annuals or biennials, perennials can live longer than two years. They can be both herbaceous and woody and come in many different shapes, sizes and colours.

There is a wide variety of perennial species.

Perennials differ in their growing conditions and care requirements Some perennials prefer sunny locations in the garden, while others prefer shade. Others prefer moist soils, and still others prefer dry conditions. Perennials can also have different growth heights, from just a few centimetres to several metres.

One of the biggest advantages of these plants is that they are a very long-lasting garden plant.

They do not need to be replanted every year and often have a longer flowering period than annuals. As they come back year after year, perennials can also be a sustainable and environmentally friendly option as they can reduce the need for annual replanting.

Another advantage is their versatility in garden design.

 Perennials can be used in groups or individual plantings, or can be used as part of mixed flower beds. Some plants have an attractive texture and can be used as part of background plantings to add texture to the garden. Many perennials also do well in pots on the patio or balcony.

Perennials are also able to tolerate a wide range of soil types and conditions. Some perennials are very adaptable, they can thrive in many different soil types. While others prefer certain soil types, such as sandy or clayey soils. It is important to meet the specific requirements of a particular plant to ensure healthy growth and optimal flowering.

One of the challenges of planting is site planning. As perennials are perennial, it is important to select a site that will be suitable in future years. Make sure that the perennials you choose fit the size of the garden, patio or balcony.  This is important so that they do not become overwhelming or crowd out other plants in the garden.